Cards of Destiny

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tic Toc - When will it be over?

When I do a personal reading for someone I look at the cycles of time that influence the present year they are in, and the cards that govern the cycles within that year. Sometimes people call for a reading when they are facing a challenge in their life. Those challenges always show up in their cards. The challenges however, always have a purpose, and the rub is that we don't always see it that way. In times of challenge we usually have only one question, "When will it be over?".

When I'm asked that question, and I do hear it a lot, I stop and think for a moment before I answer. Franz Kafka said, "The meaning of life is that it stops." As usual for him and other men born on July 3 - to the point with absolute insight.

This morning when I was cooking my oatmeal, I stood patiently at the stove and watched the brilliant alchemical process that was going on before my eyes. I watched from start to finish. I don't usually do that. Most of the time I multi-task as my oats are going through their transformation into oatmeal. This morning was different. Partly because I'm traveling and staying at a friend's house in Los Angeles, and I'm not in my "usual" ritualistic breakfast routine.

As I stood there staring into the pot, I watch in awe as the magic of the elements transformed each other to re-purpose the raw oats I had put into a pot of water and placed on the fire.
The fire heating the water, the water coming to a boil, the oats swirling around from the energy being created by the heat, and the transformation of the oats resulting from the combination of all of this together. From oats to oatmeal. Wallah!

As I observed this alchemical ritual that I had put into motion, I thought about time. I wondered how much of my life goes on while I'm "multi-taksing", busily getting things done. My mind quickly referred to the cards, as it most always does, and I thought about the 52-day cycle that I am in right now and the cards that are governing that cycle. Then I thought about my year, which just began on my birthday in April, and I thought about the cards that are prominently placed as profound influences for my year. Then I heard myself think, "I want to take advantage of each moment that I have. I don't want to miss a thing."

Hearing the spoken conviction in my head of course lead me back to hearing all the voices I have heard saying, "When will this be over?" My first response, at least in my head, when I hear that question is, "When we die." What I actually do is look at the purpose of those influences so that an enlightening moment can present itself for the sake of understanding, which shifts the relationship and the experience for the person I'm talking with via new insight and direction.

When we live from a place of trying to get to where (we think) we're going, we miss where we are. The majority of people driving in LA will confirm this if you observe them. Most are barely present with where they are. Their heads lunged forward, their energy pushing the car in front of them, daring pedestrians to cross the street and remain alive or physically intact, and already at the meeting, or wherever it is that they're going, preparing what they will do. This is not living.

As I see it, when we were born, we were given a Life Account - like a bank account. It's contents: TIME. Imagine a bank account full of time; time replacing money. The difference with the Life Account is that we cannot put more time in like we do money in our bank. So, when we spend our time, it's gone. Where did it go? Do we know? That's what I was thinking about when I was watching the oats become my oatmeal this morning.

How we use the time we are given determines the return we get, like an interest rate, which translates as quality in living. A moment does not return. Though time is not linear, it behaves as such. Our perception is not our own if we are not present with it in the moment. When we are not present with our perception in the moment, we belong to the past or the future; a past that we cannot change, and a future that is being fabricated by our imaginations. What if... we didn't do that? To be continued...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Wisdom of Time

My study and work with the mystic science of the cards has revealed much to me about time over the past twenty years. This ancient book of wisdom, which we know as a deck of playing cards, in it's relationship with the yearly calendar makes clear the intention of time; day-by-day.

Time is the fourth dimension, and yet like the dimensions that come before it, it has no physically tangible structure, even though it feels as it does and acts as if it does. The science of the cards makes known the matrix of time, which gives time a visible window to look through so that we can see the components and influences that appear as time unfolds.

The unfolding of each moment, each hour, and each day is in direct relationship with the unfolding of our individual life paths, thus our relationship with time. Since we are in relationship with everything in the seen and unseen worlds that surround us, to gain understanding of this system can enlighten us in our personal journey; day-by-day. This is why I write about the card of the day. And, it's why I explain in my book, Cards of Destiny, how to calculate your personal relationship card for each day, so that you can have a more person insight into what is possible for you in that daily relationship with time.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Magnificence of a Moment

You call me to your presence, and I come
I listen, and I hear
I follow, and I feel
I watch, and I see

You are the moment I've been waiting for.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

To React or Respond - That is the Question

Last Sunday I was driving to get my friend Julie to go hiking. I'd just arrived in Los Angeles the day before after being in three weeks of below freezing weather in North Carolina. I was so happy to be in the southern California weather, thawing out.

So, I'm driving up La Brea avenue toward the fabulous, sunny, clean and sparkly hollywood hills. It had just rained here like crazy for a week--and the sunlight was dancing all over everything. I'm sitting at a stop light, in a sort of blissful daze, when someone behind me honks his horn. The light had turned green, and I had failed to see that. In LA, there is no time lag at the light, you should have one foot on the gas pedal and the other foot on the brake at the same time so that the instant that light changes, you shoot off that limit line like a thoroughbred charging out of the gate at Hollywood Park.

At the next intersection and another red light, the guy who was behind me and honked, pulled up next to me and started going off on me; "What are you doing? Are you texting, talking on the phone? What are you doing? You're supposed to be driving!"

Whoa, dude. Calm down. The pace is getting to you big time--this is what I was thinking. Yikes.

I just looked at him and calmly said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I was just noticing how beautiful it is today and enjoying the sun, and I didn't see the light change. It's Sunday, it's gorgeous and it's so easy to get caught up in the insanity rather than enjoy what's here. I'm sorry."

His jaw dropped. I think he was expecting a duel or something. His face totally changed. He looked awestruck. I suppose I could have gone off on him right back and then we would have both been in misery, at least for some minutes. But, I didn't do that, I chose to diffuse the energy and turn it toward what I was feeling, which was gratitude for where I was in the moment.

He looked at me, face totally relaxed, and said, "Oh. Well. You've got it right. You've got it right." I just smiled, and the light turned green.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Moon Void of Course - What Does it Mean?

What is a Void of Course Moon?

The term 'moon void of course' refers to the time when the moon is actually in between constellations or zodiac signs. During those minutes or hours, it's without direction or influence.

During these times it can seem as if nothing (void) is happening. And often times when the moon is void we don't do much, or we have a hard time following through, or things take forever; traffic doesn't move, we get stuck in lines, or wait for unusually long periods of time, etc. It can be frustrating.

These are not the best times to make plans, decisions, or to put things into motion, because they are likely not to come to fruition.

I will be posting the Void of Course Moon times on The Card of the Day emails from now on. Here are some tips to follow when you have the option to do so:
  • Avoid starting things if you can.

  • Avoid doing important things: Interviews, buying a house or car, getting married, starting a relationship, major meetings, signing contracts, if possible.

  • Plan nothing, Decide nothing, Commit to nothing. Purchase nothing, if you can.

  • Avoid consultations with others who also have cloudy judgment: ministers, lawyers, rabbis, doctors, counselors, teachers, anyone whose advice you need, when possible.

  • Rejuvenate your spirit, relax, take a break, time out, meditate, read, "veg" out on the couch, clean house, take a walk, go fishing, have lunch with a friend without expectations, do things that give you a "pause" in a hectic life. Follow your natural rhythm.

  • Something need repair? You might want to wait until the void of course time ends, because it might have to be done over.

  • Avoid communications that are extremely important. Wait to write the letter, email, send the fax, or make a call. The communication will either be disrupted, delayed, or contorted.

  • This is time to take a break. Stick to things you do routinely. A time of reflection and review.

2010 - What I See in the Cards

After a year of sacrifice and loss (2009), which was major for many, we have not only entered a new year, but a new decade, and the numbers look good. 2010 is a "year of new self-expression, connectedness and communication, and brand new beginnings. We have moved from single to double digits, which I feel are taking us from our inner world and the growth that has occurred to our outer world and our expression there.

This new year brings empowering energy for us as individuals, which is what we have the opportunity to cultivate in ourselves and support in one another. This is a time for us to touch our passion and let that which we love the most feed the fire of expression. To encourage the same in others will bring great rewards for all.

This year is about creating and expressing beauty in our relationships, in the work that we do, and in our selves; inside and out. The mind will be more stimulated and excited to learn new things, take on new perspectives, and share what is learned with others.

We will all become more intuitive and learn to trust ourselves more, relying on what we feel and integrating our intuition with our thoughts and actions. The drive to accomplish will be strong and efforts will be rewarded; spiritually and materially.

Change and exploration will be at the forefront of our minds on a fairly consistent basis, and most especially in the spring; adventure will call and we will respond. New ways of thinking will be birthed and changes will result.

We are all learning about how to be more creative with our finances this year. We must think outside of the box and say "yes" to the ideas that come to bless us. The more unique the better, across the board. Being in right relationships personally and professional will move things along more quickly. Innovative thoughts and actions will take things to new heights.

Spirituality will be more important for all of us, and our old ways of judgment and discrimination will be put to the test. The opportunity is to forgive, accept, and care about one another. The doorway to transformation and the greatest goodness is going to come through the union of our spiritual and material values as one; no more separation between the two. Everything is energy, and energy follows intention. Simple

The rewards: shifts in consciousness, new ways of living, and a cohesive connection between all.
The initiation: into the consciousness of the heart - Christ consciousness.
What will nurture us: to let go of all old ways of thinking and believing that no longer serve us and open our minds to the global mind of humanity as a whole and greater self-awareness.
The result: we will recreate our lives and reinvent ourselves.

On the bigger scale of things, because of the astrological influences that are coming, it could get a little wild on the planet. With Uranus going into Aries in May, the god of war may be quite active. Anything having to do with fire, volcanoes, and war could stir the global pot. It's important to understand Uranus is the planet of change, making the way for a new future. Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, and we are in the first year of a decade--new beginnings are a given. On the personal level things can shift quickly, and without warning. Uranus brings the future to us--we get to be open to see what that means.

On the interpersonal level the cards suggest that it's all about communication and expression. This is a year to create a new relationship with our self; take it to the next level of expression and step out beyond the line where perhaps we have held ourselves back. It's an "all or nothing" year.

Things that are initiated this year will take us far and expand our lives. The secret is to go for it, whatever our dream is, just do it from our passion. The cards for the year are all about passion and feeling, and expression, and compassion--which will most definitely be a key element on the global scale of things.

May all being be free, may all beings be happy, may all beings be liberated. Buddha