Two legends died today; Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett. This is monumental.
When I look at the ruling cards of this day, and how they are positioned in the Grand Life Spread - they form a "triangle of death", and this is a new perspective of this positioning.
Today is June 25, and governed by the 5 of Clubs, which represents change -- inside and out. The 9 of Clubs is riding shotgun with the 5 today as the astrological ruling card, and the 9 of Clubs represents endings. The 5 of Clubs sits atop a triangle of cards which represent sacrifice, death, endings, and change. When I put the 5 of Clubs with the 9 of Clubs to reveal what they create together, they become the Ace of Spades: transformation through death and rebirth- which to me is the biggest indicator. There was a similar scenario on 9/11 when the Ace of Spades and the Jack of Hearts (sacrificial love) were the resulting cards for the day.
Farrah and Michael were both born on "10" days in the cards. She was the 10 of Spades and he was the 10 of Hearts. I do not believe in coincidences. The Spirit Card of the 5 of Clubs is the 5 of Hearts, which symbolizes change in home and relationships, and I've noticed that this card often shows up when people leave their bodies.
Farrah Fawcett was born a 10 of Spades, and this year - age 62 she had the death card (9 of Spades) sitting behind her (moving toward her in that position - pushing her toward its intention). Age 62 is the end of a seven year cycle in the cards, and her departure probably became eminent when she was 61, because the 9 of Spades was ruling that year in her cards. Her planetary ruling card was the 5 of Spades, which was sitting in her 10 of Spades house -- moving her along. The 5 of Spades is also the influence that made her so endearing to so many. How lucky she was to have the love of her life by her side when she departed. Bless you Farrah.
Michael was born the 10 of Hearts, with a 10 of Diamonds planetary card, which is why he was so loved and so popular. The 10 of Diamonds is the blessed card, and the 10 of Hearts represents the embrace of the people. On May 28, Michael went into a new 3 month cycle. When I looked at the cycle before that one, I think that perhaps he's been having some health related challenges for a while. On this day of his death, he had the 9 of Clubs behind him and he was sitting in the 9 of Clubs home, which ties into the 9 of Clubs card influence today. The Nine of Clubs is a card of release -- things do not go as we planned when that card shows up, and it's higher expression is that of being an initiation into the universal mind.
Bless them as they go on their way to the other side. They both have many friends over there, and I'm sure that they were greeted with love.
1 comment:
Something that I forgot to mention regarding Michael and his cards. If final outcome for the seven year cycle that he was in, was the death card. He was so amazing -- so amazing. Bless you MJ.
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